Terry Ginley

Terry Ginley

- Vice President of Partner Development

Terry Ginley, CPA moved from the accounting industry to the accounting software industry in 1993. After a series of company and product acquisitions, he became the Vice President of Services for FRx Software, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation in 2001. Since that time, he has served as the Senior Director of Microsoft Customer Service and the Business Intelligence (BI) Global Practice Leader for Microsoft. Then for 9 years Terry has been a member of the leadership team of Velosio, a Top 10 Microsoft Dynamics Partner and focused his efforts on BI and CPM.  While at Velosio, Solver’s Partner of the Year in 2018 and 2019, Terry developed and lead a team that delivered Solver Solutions to over 150 clients. This allowed these clients to replace solutions such as FRx, Management Reporter, Forecaster and a host of legacy and Excel based solutions.

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