Doug Higgs

Doug Higgs

Midwest Commerce Solutions
- President

As president of Midwest Commerce Solutions, Inc., Doug Higgs has a wealth of software consulting experience and has managed and participated in hundreds of successful projects and system implementations. 

Doug has worked with accounting and ERP software for more than thirty years, in a wide variety of business segments. As a veteran of the accounting and consulting industry, his business philosophy is to always think customer-first, bring a positive attitude, a sense of humor, and sound decision-making to all engagements.

Doug earned a MS in Computer Information Systems from Boston University, a BS in Accounting from Illinois State University, is a licensed CPA in the State of Illinois, and was the safety patrol person of the week when he was in fourth grade. 

Sprinkles, Doug’s six-year-old German Shepherd dog, loves to play Frisbee with him every day after work.

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