Demystifying Sage Manufacturing

Demystifying Sage Manufacturing
March 1, 2024 04:30 PM -
5:20 pm
CPE Credits: 1.0

At version 2023 Sage brings a fully functional Production Management Module –  including robust Scheduling and Capacity Management and Sage Programming Standards –  to the forefront.  As valued providers surge forward to offer enhancements and supporting solutions, the array of name changes, versions, alternatives and enhancements has been overwhelming to Consultants, Partners and Users.

The session will attempt to shed light on the differences between Production Management and Operations Management; the various types of manufacturing activity these solutions target and are appropriate for; comparative levels of development and improvement activity; and recommendations and concerns for the road ahead.

This will be a moderated panel discussion that not only encourages but emerges from the questions and concerns of the attendees.
